Genève Flagship Store Genève Flagship Store

Genève Flagship Store

Operated by Interieurs by Sylvain SA

Avenue de la Gare des Eaux-Vives 19, 1207, Genève

Tue-Fri 10:00am - 7:00pm

Sat 10:00am  - 6:00pm

The store

The Flagship Store marks Molteni’s cooperation with Interieurs by Sylvain, for over 40 years an important focal point for interior design and planning in Geneva. The over 500 sq. metre Flagship Store with its 12 large window displays is all on one level so as to create a large, but at the same time a welcoming and harmonious space. Situated on the Eaux-Vives station forecourt, the showroom hosts the complete Molteni&C collection, symbolizing the spirit of a unique, evolving, contemporary project, in line with the stylistic principles of the Molteni Group.

The entrance welcomes visitors into a daytime area that is perfectly aligned with the first kitchen on display, where Vincent Van Duysen’s Intersection and Francesco nMeda’s Woody chairs are in perfect harmony with the Sistema 7 wardrobe.

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