Mexico City Flagship Store Mexico City Flagship Store

Mexico City Flagship Store

Operated by Ciento\Once

Calle Calderón de la Barca 78, Polanco, Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11550, Ciudad de México

Mon-Fri 09:00am - 7:00pm
Sat-Sun by appointment only
The Store

Molteni&C Flagship Store Mexico is located in the heart of Polanco, one of the areas with the highest added value of Mexico City. Our exhibition hall of over 500sqm, in a typical neo colonial house of the neighborhood, is elegantly designed and has all the facilities to develop not only residential projects, but also on a larger scale. Our highly trained staff in architecture and design will be pleased to advise you on each of the details that Molteni&C and Dada put into each of its collections and designs. Our commitment is to actively contribute to the design culture in our country by the hand of the most renowned architects and designers worldwide.

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