新店開幕 - 臺中 新店開幕 - 臺中

新店開幕 - 臺中

Operated by YC Group

No. 573, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., 403

Tues - Sun 10.30am - 6.30pm
Monday off

Come raggiungerci

Molteni 集團在臺灣開設第一家Molteni&C旗艦店,展示該集團在當代設計界持續擴張的努力。 Molteni&C 臺灣旗艦店的設立是與 YC Group 的合作成果。YC Group是一家充滿活力且致力於將久負盛名且炙手可熱的高端品牌帶到臺灣的公司。靠著創始團隊在土地開發、設計和金融方面的豐富經驗,YC Group 善於實現品牌設計並簡化市場進入流程。基於他們多年成功的基礎上,為多元的消費者提供更加講究和更具魅力的產品。

The Flagship Store arises in the culturally vibrant West District of Taichung City. The area is known as the "Taichung Cultural and Educational District" and is home to numerous schools and cultural institutions. Against the backdrop of the bustling Taiwan Boulevard, Molteni&C Flagship Store in Taichung adds a touch of modern Italian sensibility to this heritage-rich area. The building's white exterior spans 29 meters in width and boasts a vast base of 700 square meters, one of the largest in Asia, fully showcasing the contemporary designs of the brand's dedicated designs.

The architecture of the store is in pure Molteni&C style. A real conception of living, that has always been related to the protagonists of the world of architecture.
Living is once again central to every corner of the home. A theatre of life experienced, where the quality of the home environment is the key premise for planning the various rooms: increasingly more versatile, multifunctional, able to adapt and mould itself to a second usage. An idea of a cosy, reassuring and welcoming home. But constantly evolving, which Molteni&C interprets through wall systems, the protagonists of the project and part and parcel of the architecture. Excellence at all scales of design, revealed in every detail which, from the floor to the wall finishes, from the accessories to the works of art, is carefully studied and selected in partnership with the local partner in respect of the trends and peculiarities of the country and location.

Great masters of present times who design cities, spaces, interiors and furnishings, such as Vincent Van Duysen, the Belgian architect and designer who has been Creative Director of the brand since 2016, Jean Nouvel, Foster + Partners, Ron Gilad, to name but a few. The Heritage Collection has renewed the relationship with history and with the creators of Italian and international style, such as Gio Ponti, Werner Blaser, Tobia Scarpa and Ignazio Gardella. The majestic Flagship Store of Taichung offers a spectacular experience: two stores placed next to each other, furnished in pure Molteni&C style.

A first living and dining area welcomes the guest into the space, showcasing the Asterias table by Patricia Urquiola and two the most iconic pieces the Italian brand, the D.154.2 armchair by Gio Ponti and the iconic Piroscafo, whose story encompasses the strength of Molteni&C link with tradition.

The night-time area features Gliss Master, the wardrobe system that is the feather in the cap of Molteni&C’s night Collection, as well as a cosy lounge area with Attico small table by Gallizia and the D.151.4 armchairs by Gio Ponti.
The first bedroom proposal showcases pieces of the latest collections, such as the Yoell armchair and the Cleo coffee tables by Van Duysen, as well as the Azul bed and the Horizons cupboard by Dante Bonuccelli.

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