Valencia Flagship Store Valencia Flagship Store

Valencia Flagship Store

Operated by MTN Valencia
The store

The Molteni Group opens the doors to its Molteni&C Flagship Store in Valencia, taking a significant step towards qualifying its distribution network in the Spanish strategic market, as evidence of the Group’s continued expansion in the world of contemporary design.  The Flagship Store is the result of a partnership with Ellite Group, a well-established name in the furnishing sector. The Space is located in El Pla del Remei, a district in the heart of Valencia known as a shopping hub of high-end independent clothing boutiques and furniture stores, on Carrer de Cirilo Amorós. Just 100m away from a landmark art nouveau building, Mercado de Colón, which has an upscale food market and is home to elegant bars, cafes, and contemporary Mediterranean restaurants that characterize the area.

The 220 mq Store offers a spectacular Molteni&C experience, starting from a spacious entrance, where guests are greeted by a kitchen proposal: Intersection, designed by Creative Director Vincent van Duysen, together with Devon stools by Rodolfo Dordoni.

The exhibition pathway continues with a refined living area, featuring not only Nicola Gallizia’s 505Up composition, but also a welcoming Palette carpet that frames Marteen sofa and Louisa coffee table, both designed by Van Duysen. The Molteni&C Heritage Collection is visible from the very beginning of the pathway, with the iconic Round D.154.5 armchair by Gio Ponti completing the overall composition of the living room.

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