

汲取了伦敦的辉煌、佛兰德的实用主义、意大利的特征和对美学的热爱,Molteni&C 床因而拥有多种艺术语言,均来自于国际著名设计师提出的概念。他们不尽相同,但都具备几个基本点:采用独创材料和尖端科技,拥有创造新设计的一点儿聪明才智。例如以色列艺术家、设计师 Arik Levy 设计的 Honey,是将现代线条和革新技术结合在一起的设计,其摆动机制便于打开储物格。另外一个是由来自意大利威尼斯的 Luca Nichetto 设计的 Nick ,平衡线条和镀铬的金属结构元素给人以惊喜,对比鲜明的缝线重新定义了床的比例。同样来自以色列的还有由 Ron Gilad 设计的 Sweetdreams:这张床与实木框的填充床头板(可装置在墙上)完美结合,提供舒适歇息体验。后者在设计师床 Fulham 上同样起着重要作用,床的灵感来源于伦敦的富勒姆路(Fulham Road)。它由 Rodolfo Dordoni 设计,采用了舒适床头板,配有的床前凳是其理想补充。Dordoni 还设计了精致、简约的 Wish,可选橡木和榆木,其设计极其注重细节。与此同时,Molteni&C 的艺术总监 Vincent Van Duysen 推出两张全新的床。第一个是 Anton,由于设计师对线条和材料的细致研究,它成了简约的典范。第二个是 Ribbon,这张床采用柔软的织物面料,外观素净雅致,适合追求极致的客户。他们会颇喜欢围绕着床头板和床架的丝带边饰,这一设计兼具美感和结构感。此外,Molteni&C 设计师床系列还包括 High-Wave,由才华横溢的 Hannes Wettstein 设计:这张床符合人体工程学,舒适而极为实用,采用了不同技术,例如使床头板具有两种调节位置的机制,带来舒适阅读体验。同样地, Oz 也是 Nicola Gallizia 带着实用的想法设计的,通过能够展开 200 厘米床架的系统,同时使扶手消失在结构下面,改变了沙发床的概念。最后,Molteni&C 的设计师对精湛设计的热爱也得到了才华横溢的 Patricia Urquiola的认同,她为 Clip 创造了蜿蜒、有创意的设计,通过弯曲形状和可拆卸衬垫的运用,赋予这张现代风格的床一个秀雅、惊艳的外形。

Molteni&C expands its range of designer beds with a sophisticated and elegant addition by Rodolfo Dordoni. Aldgate is an Italian bed designed as an island dedicated to rest and relaxation. The Aldgate model features carefully studied details with soft, enveloping lines for a delicate finish. It is a piece of furniture crafted to be totally autonomous and self-sufficient, capable of integrating with any type of bedroom furniture.


The Azul project is a synthesis of Nicola Gallizia's stylistic ability and Molteni&C's aptitude for experimentation. The Azul bed’s modern design shows carefully studied details with delicate but sharp lines. The striking aesthetic balance comes from the reduction of any superfluous elements and the proportionate construction of the individual components. The bed top is available in two heights. For those looking for modern beds with storage, know that you will also have the option of adding one underneath. 


Ribbon, by Vincent Van Duysen, is a textile double bed design with luxuriously soft characteristics combined with a youthful, modern style using natural materials. The sturdy, minimalist materials are typical of Vincent Van Duysen's style and also reach a perfect synthesis in the Anton collection. With delicate but sharp lines for a harmonious aesthetic balance, the modern design bed features legs in a pewter finish and fully removable covers from the Molteni&C fabric and leather range. Anton can be combined with a bench with finishes of the same structure and type of upholstery.


Rodolfo Dordoni’s signature wooden double bed design, Fulham, stands out with the enveloping headboard in fabric or leather, allowing you to create a comfortable environment for total relaxation. The model can be enhanced by placing a bench at the foot of the bed. Honey, by Arik Levy, is a textile bed with understated lines. It features a comfortable, soft headboard and tailored upholstery work. 


Hannes Wettstein's collection offers High-Wave, an upholstered contemporary double bed with a classic shape and measured proportions. It is characterized by its version with a mechanism that allows the inner headboard to tilt to provide modular support.


Dunavska 2, 11000, Belgrade

Mon-Fri 9:00am – 6:00pm
By appointment

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