


The geometric lines of the Mosaico rug define the spaces, enclosing them in coloured sections marked by sophisticated contrasting shades. The colours seem to move, with cold greys alternating with the warm and harmonious colours of Nature. Fibres such as wool and tencel give the whole structure a solid, material look.

Design Marta Ferri


Marta Ferri

Marta Ferri was born in Milan on July, 21st 1984. The daughter of a photographer and an interior decorator, she learns to travel the world and grows up living on set with her father while she falls in love with colours, details and atmospheres through her mother.

complete biography
Marta Ferri

“As in all new projects, the learning process is full of emotion. Getting to know the world of Molteni&C, not only the products but also the professionals who work there, has inspired the final result”

Marta Ferri


Technical Details

Technical drawings 2d (.jpg)

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