London Design Festival 2023
21 September 2023
London Design Festival 2023
For the London Design Festival 2023, Molteni&C is presenting its New Collection and interpreting the theme ‘Conviviality – The Art of Living Together’, which is well rooted in the Company’s history. Since 1934 it has collaborated with leading names in design and architecture, creating timeless furnishings and spaces strongly focused on personal comfort and well-being.

Conviviality is a central feature of the spaces in the Flagship Store on Brompton Road, which, for the occasion, is reinforcing its essence of home — a cosy, warm place where each object is an object of the heart, the star of the space.

Conviviality is therefore understood beyond its mere functionality: objects that speak in a way that goes beyond their mere function, fascinating for reasons that may be difficult to explain.

Conviviality shines through in the products from the 2023 Collection that furnish the space, including the Mateo table, the Augusto sofa, the Paula armchair, and the Aster and Regent coffee tables designed by Creative Director Vincent Van Duysen, as well as the Porta Volta chair by Herzog & de Meuron.

To accompany styling that is rich but also essential in form and colour, the Flagship Store on Brompton Road is adorned with special glass decals with mirrored inserts whose shapes recall the geometric pattern of the D.754.1 carpet, designed by Gio Ponti and part of the Molteni&C Heritage Collection.

Molteni&C Flagship Store

245-249 Brompton Rd, Chelsea,
London SW3 2EP,
United Kingdom

Mon-Sat: 10.00am – 6.00pm
Sun: 12-5pm

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