Molteni Mondo. An Italian Design Story: Book Release at Rizzoli Bookstore in New York
25 September 2024
Molteni Mondo. An Italian Design Story: Book Release at Rizzoli Bookstore in New York
On September 24, we celebrated the global launch of Molteni Mondo: An Italian Design Story, a book published by Rizzoli New York in honor of our 90th anniversary.

To mark this milestone, we hosted a special event at the Rizzoli Bookstore in New York, showcasing the book now available for purchase worldwide. The event featured an exclusive conversation between Giulia Molteni, Chief Marketing Officer of the Molteni Group, and Spencer Bailey, Co-founder of The Slowdown, moderated by Anthony Cenname, Global Chief Brand Officer of L’OFFICIEL.


The discussion focused on the book as a tribute to 90 years of interpreting the ever-evolving needs and desires of contemporary living, responding to new challenges with special projects worldwide—always driven by an unwavering passion for quality.

Molteni Mondo. An Italian Design Story explores the identity, relationships with architects and designers, history, symbols, and distinctive characteristics of the company, founded in 1934 in Giussano by Angelo Molteni. The book features a cinematic narrative through the lens of photographer Jeff Burton, editorial direction by Spencer Bailey, artistic direction by Studio Achermann in Zurich, an introduction by Jean Nouvel, and a postscript by Jacques Herzog, along with the design protagonists who helped shape our legacy.

The journey to present Molteni Mondo continues in the next months in our Flagship Stores in some of the world's most iconic cities.

Giulia Molteni, Spencer Bailey and Anthony Cenname
Giulia Molteni, Spencer Bailey and Anthony Cenname

Giulia Molteni, Francesca Molteni, Spencer Bailey and Anthony Cenname Giulia Molteni, Francesca Molteni, Spencer Bailey and Anthony Cenname
Giulia Molteni Giulia Molteni
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