Maison Suri: Inside Su Park’s Parisian Apartment, furnished by Molteni&C
15 November 2023
Maison Suri: Inside Su Park’s Parisian Apartment, furnished by Molteni&C
In the heart of the 8th arrondissement of Paris lies the enchanting apartment of Su Park, star of the Molteni&C 2023 campaign, whose multifaceted persona encompasses roles as a creative consultant, independent curator, fashion influencer, and DJ. Recently featured in Maison Marie Claire Korea, Su Park’s Parisian home is also the headquarters of her French-Korean creative studio, Maison Suri. The apartment is a hub of artistic synergy, where her fascinating art collection creates a sophisticated dialogue with the elegant contours of iconic Molteni&C furnishings.

What immediately captivated Su Park about the apartment was its warm embrace and abundant natural light. “As soon as I saw the sunlight flooding the living room, the dining area, and the private spaces with independent divisions, I immediately felt inspired,” she comments.

Adorning the light-filled living room and adding to its warmth are the Cleo sofa and Louisa coffee tables by Vincent Van Duysen.

A focal point of the historic apartment is the exquisite fireplace, which is complemented by the D.150.5 chaise longue and Aster side tables by Vincent van Duysen.

An elegant corner overlooking the avenue is complete with the soft, rounded forms of the Cinnamon armchair by Naoto Fukasawa, part of the 2023 Collection.

Finished with works by artists Aigana Gali, Kwon Juk-hee, Lee Yu, and Yun Yeo Dong, the apartment becomes a living gallery and an inspiring testament to the boundless possibilities of art and design. Each corner tells a story, each piece of art radiates positive energy, and together with the Molteni&C furniture designs, they create an environment where life is an ever-evolving work of art.

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