步入开阔门店,以VVD中岛厨房为焦点的温馨用餐区映入眼帘。款款臻作以现代舒适风格巧妙诠释当代集会空间,其中包括Vincent Van Duysen打造的Mateo桌和Regent桌,以及Herzog & de Meuron设计的Porta Volta椅等。地面铺设Marta Ferri倾心设计的Vibrazioni地毯,为参观者营造沉浸式氛围。
两处客厅区域洋溢经典隽永的Molteni&C风格。第一处陈设精美的Vincent Van Duysen家具系列,例如Augusto沙发、Mateo桌、Paula扶手椅和Louisa咖啡桌。第二处巧妙融合品牌传奇与创新激情,谐美搭配Gio Ponti系列经典杰作与Van Duysen和Dada Engineered的现代设计。
卧室区域经悉心布置,着意营造舒适之感。Vincent Van Duysen设计的Ovidio床成为瞩目亮点;Regent咖啡桌和Naoto Fukasawa匠心打造的Cinnamon扶手椅兼具实用功能与精致格调。此外,Van Duysen精心构想的Gliss Master衣柜系统是一大标志之作,充分彰显了Molteni&C的创新精髓。
继续前进,便来到另一处厨房区域。其中设有Tivali厨房,配以Foster+Partners设计的Arc餐桌和Rodolfo Dordoni设计的Barbican椅,予人轻快而舒适的用餐体验。
To conclude the tour, a final kitchen area presents Vincent Van Duysen’s Intersection Island with Woody stools by Francesco Meda. Guests are invited to explore the ingenuity behind the Hector modular bookcase system. Notable pieces of furniture such as the Pannacotta coffee table by Ron Gilad, Van Duysen’s Paul sofa and Elain armchair, and Heritage-collection Blevio table seamlessly integrate luxury and hospitality.
The D.C. flagship store is a culmination of 90 years of Italian tradition and an homage to the master designers that have contributed to the Molteni&C legacy and art of living.
3306 M Street NW,
Washington D.C. 20007
Monday - Friday: 10.00am - 6.00pm
Saturday: 11.00am - 6.00pm
3306 M Street NW,
Washington D.C. 20007
Monday - Friday: 10.00am - 6.00pm
Saturday: 11.00am - 6.00pm