PERENNI Exhibit Enriches the Molteni&C Pavilion in collaboration with KALPA Gallery
03 June 2024
PERENNI Exhibit Enriches the Molteni&C Pavilion in collaboration with KALPA Gallery
The new Molteni&C Pavilion, designed by Vincent Van Duysen as a hospitality space in the heart of the Molteni Group compound, is now hosting an exclusive art exhibit curated in collaboration with Tuscany’s KALPA Gallery, entitled PERENNI.
Federico Gori, Perenne 05, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA Federico Gori, Perenne 05, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA
Marc Ricourt, scorched vessel 1, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA Marc Ricourt, scorched vessel 1, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA
Federico Gori, Pattern 01, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA Federico Gori, Pattern 01, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA

Inspired by the delicate beauty of nature and its primordial role as man’s first home, the exhibit features works by contemporary artists and makers Yoshimi Futamura, Federico Gori, and Marc Ricourt.

Marc Ricourt, scorched vessel 2, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA Marc Ricourt, scorched vessel 2, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA
Marc Ricourt, scorched vessel 2, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA Marc Ricourt, scorched vessel 2, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA

The curation includes ceramic sculptures, intricate engravings on copper, and sculpted wood vessels, all chosen to dialog with the building’s architectural volumes. Each in its own way, the artworks are influenced by the perennial nature of plants and bring the complexities of the natural world indoors for visitors to observe and admire in a setting designed for inspiration and contemplation.

Yoshimi Futamura, sculpture, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA
Yoshimi Futamura, sculpture, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA

Yoshimi Futamura, vase, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA Yoshimi Futamura, vase, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA
Yoshimi Futamura, vase, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA Yoshimi Futamura, vase, PERENNI project, Molteni&C Pavillion, photo by Daniel Civetta, courtesy KALPA
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