Marta Ferri
“Wie bei allen Projekten ist da die Begeisterung etwas Neues zu lernen. Die Welt von Molteni&C näher kennenzulernen, nicht nur ihre Produkte, sondern auch die Fachleute, die dort am Werk sind, hat das Endergebnis inspiriert”
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Molteni&C ist die Endstation einer Studie von Marta Ferri in den Archiven der größten italienischen Stoffproduzenten. Durch das besondere Gespür der Stilistin entsteht eine einzigartige Stoffkollektion in Kombination mit den neuen Polstermöbelkreationen von Patricia Urquiola, Rodolfo Dordoni und Vincent Van Duysen.
“Der Name der Kollektion nimmt direkten Bezug auf das Gewebe der von ihr beinhalteten Stoffe, aber er ist – in übertragenem Sinne – auch ein Verweis auf die große Erzählkunst der materiellen und chromatischen Kombinationen. Die Objekte
kleiden sich und erhalten eine neue ausdrucksstarke Identität, sie führen einen kreativen Dialog mit Elementen, Farben und Materialien, die evokativ und zugleich funktional anmuten”
Marta Ferri
The Frammenti collection is distinguished by a harmony inspired by Nature combining earthy tones with various shades of green. Weft and warp intertwine, creating a rich blend of colours and contrasts. The material becomes an accomplice of this union giving form and depth to the structures. Once again Marta Ferri projects her fresh and dynamic vision to the world of furnishings.
Her original intuition, which combines her love of colour and her passion for everything that surrounds her, makes the collection warm, striking and contemporary.
The canvases chosen by Molteni&C. for its collection are created with twisted high-resistance threads. The fibre’s intrinsic nature makes the structure of the fabric extremely compact, resulting in excellent performance through time. Its non fade quality is guaranteed by the use of high resistance dyes. The fibre’s intrinsic nature makes the structure of the fabric extremely compact, resulting in excellent performance through time. Its non fade quality is guaranteed by the use of high resistance dyes.
Wallance | Wonder | Wing
Chenille is a fabric with a long history. Created with a special weave, it recalls velvet, but unlike velvet, it is worked on traditional loom set ups. To make sure that it is strong, it is important to tie the threads as tightly as possible. The chenilles chosen by Molteni&C for its collection are of the highest quality possible, obtained with the most advanced manufacturing technology and processes.
The new textile collection created by Marta Ferri for Molteni&C. Bright contemporary yarns intertwined with natural fibres – linens and cottons – express Marta Ferri’s latest ideas for Molteni&C textiles in the 2019 Fibra collection. A new way of interpreting plain colours, combining cold hues, twinkling with silver filaments, and warm ochre and rusty shades, enlivened by copper-coloured strands, in a fresh, futuristic interpretation of the ancient art of weaving. Added to these, the softness and warmth of an embossed, shearling-like textile, which becomes the ideal layer not only for furnishings but also for surfaces and spaces.
Linen is one of the most ancient and noble fibres used by man in clothing and furnishing. This fabric offers sobre, contemporary fabrics which are at the same time ancient. One of its main characteristics is its resistance through time. Linen becomes sophisticated when it takes on that particular “crumpled” look which gives it a nonchalant feeling of being “lived”.
Kingston | Kassel | Keith
The canvases chosen by Molteni&C. for its collection are created with twisted high-resistance threads. The fibre’s intrinsic nature makes the structure of the fabric extremely compact, resulting in excellent performance through time. Its non fade quality is guaranteed by the use of high resistance dyes. The fibre’s intrinsic nature makes the structure of the fabric extremely compact, resulting in excellent performance through time. Its non fade quality is guaranteed by the use of high resistance dyes.
The Collaboration with SAHCO
For the last two centuries, Sahco has continuously strived to define exquisite taste and superior quality in the world of in-teriors. Combining timeless design and innovation, the rich textures and refined details of Sahco’s upholstery and drapery collection have captured the hearts of a discerning international audience. Supplying leading interior designers, architects and furniture manufacturers, Sahco has found its way into some of the most beautiful homes, hotels and offices in the world. Since 2018, Sahco is part of Kvadrat, one of the world’s leading textile design companies. With a shared heritage and a new creative team comprising of design director Anna Vilhelmine Ebbesen and art director Vincent Van Duysen, Sahco continues to grow and appeal to a whole new generation of consumers.
These fabrics are the product of special looms with multiple insertions. From the initial stages of the thread manufacture, it is necessary to use special, very slow, machines, so as to leave the fibre unaltered in all its length and resistance. The “felt” effect and the irregularities of the fibre which stands out exalt the special features of the natural fibres used (cotton – viscose). These irregularities are A feature typical of the working of this wool.
Unter den neun verschiedenen Stoffvarianten finden zwei Modelle in Kvadrat® ihren Platz, ein hochwertiges dänisches Textil. Auch Leder ist vertreten in einer neuen speziellen Interpretation. Dem Leitfaden von Trama folgen auch zwei neue Decken
und drei verschiedene Bettengarnituren, die speziell mit führenden Unternehmen der Branche entwickelt wurden. Wolle, Leinen, Alpacawolle, Leintuch mit innovativen Mustern für eine umfassende und stimmige Kollektion in klassischen und zugleich modernen Farben. Eine umfassende Palette natürlicher und eleganter Farben, Erdtöne, Grautöne in Kontrast und gleichzeitig Harmonie mit brillanten Farben wie Blau, Grün, Pflaume und Altrosa. Niemals flache und banale Farben, sondern dreidimensionale Melangeeffekte.
The canvases chosen by Molteni&C; for its collection are created with twisted high-resistance threads. The fiber’s intrinsic nature makes the structure of the fabric extremely compact, resulting in excellent performance through time. Its non-fade quality is guaranteed by the use of high resistance dyes.
Unique uses bovine leather from Western Europe’s best cattle farms. Raw leather is selected carefully at each processing step. It is a full-grain, drum dyed aniline leather. The product’s main characteristics are its softness and touch, obtained by using low specific weight grease and retanning which gives it an extremely natural feeling. A special tanning process gives the leather a natural grain appearance.
Die letztes Jahr initiierte aktive Zusammenarbeit zwischen Marta Ferri und Molteni&C entwickelt sich über eine neue exklusive Kollektion weiter, die aus 7 Stoffen (darunter Leinen, Bouclè, Leinwand, Chenille und Jacquard) besteht, sowie aus 2 Ledervarianten und 3 Decken, jeweils aus Kaschmir, reiner Merinowolle und einem Baumwoll-/Wollgemisch.
“Gea ist eine Kollektion, die mich von Anfang an begeisterte, denn sie gab mir die Gelegenheit, alle Farben und die Wärme der Natur in das Wohnambiente Molteni zu integrieren. Es ist eine extrem materielle Kollektion mit garngefärbten intensiven Farbtönen und mutigen Flechtmustern, die das Ambiente erwärmen und den Formen Tiefe verleihen. Gea bedeutet Erde, Natur und Leben, und gerade diese Elemente wollte ich bei der Materialauswahl für die Kollektion miteinbeziehen: Das intensive Orange des Rosts, das vibrierende Grün des Mooses, das Ockergelb und das ätherische Rosa des Staubs”.
Leather | P
The carefully chosen leather is treated with a light grinding process on the surface after which it is tanned (with chrome) and coloured (with analine dye); all the treatments help to preserve leather’s exceptional natural characteristics, including certain anomalies due to the free range raising of the animals, such as scars, slight grazing, insect bites etc. These anomalies are visible proof of a natural product. After dying the hide are finished with treatments which increase their resistance to light and to grazing. The leather is characterized by a glossy grain, obtained by the use of waxes in the finishing process, slightly in relief, for a very soft hand and a silky touch.
Leather | S
The carefully selected leather is tanned with chrome salts and dyed exclusively in baths with aniline. The surface is buffed, making it pleasantly soft to the touch with a play on various levels of luminosity. To guarantee long lasting use a waterproof treatment is applied. A choice of leathers with nabuk working offers a rediscovery of classic sensations combined with contemporary design.
The new Bed Dressing Collection stars three new plaids, in sable cashmere, merino nuanced wool finished with blanket stitch and cotton jacquard. A new world to dress the Molteni&C collection beds, 100% made in Italy, using the finest yarns with a contemporary image.
Originating from the central Asian plateau, the Hircus goat lives up to an altitude of 6.000 meters. A thick, smooth and soft undercoat protects it from these particularly harsh climates. This is where the valuable high quality cashmere comes from, with an average thickness of 15 thousands of millimeters (micron), it is considered the thinnest and thus the finest in the market.
This ultra light imperceptible yarn is the result of a careful selection of the most precious Australian merino wool fibre on the market. The rigorous choice of 16.5 micron raw material, guaranteed by long-standing relations with our suppliers, along with the professional care given to processing yield an ultra fine and inter seasonal yarn. Its excellent quality has won it the 140’s Woolmark Company (international certification agency for pure wool) certificate in the 2/60 titre category, indicating the fineness of the fibre, precisely 16.5 micron.
Neben den gemusterten Stoffen präsentiert Marta auch vier Samtstoffe und reinterpretiert moderne ungewöhnliche Farbtöne, Chenillestoffe im markanten “Used-Look”, Rohleinen und schließlich ein neues natürlich gegerbtes Leder, das nach seiner Fertigbearbeitung wie Kernleder anmutet und den Glanz von traditionellem Kernleder mit der Weichheit klassischer anilingefärbter Leder kombiniert.
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